Board Committee

Board Audit Committee Board Policyholder Protection, Grievance Redressal and Claims Monitoring Committee
Mr. R. K. Nair, Chairman Ms. Vibha Paul Rishi, Chairperson
Mr. Dileep Choksi Mr. Dilip Karnik
Mr. Dilip Karnik Mr. Dileep Choksi
Ms. Vibha Paul Rishi Mr. Naved Masood
Mr. Suresh Vaswani Mr. Anuj Bhargava
Mr. Anuj Bhargava Mr. Solmaz Altin
Mr. Solmaz Altin  
Board Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Board Investment Committee
Mr. Dilip Karnik, Chairman Mr. Suresh Vaswani, Chairman
Mr. Dileep Choksi Mr. R. K. Nair
Mr. Naved Masood Mr. Sandeep Batra
Mr. Solmaz Altin Mr. Solmaz Altin
  Mr. Anup Bagchi
  Mr. Dhiren Salian
  Mr. Manish Kumar
  Mr. Deepak Kinger
  Mr. Souvik Jash
Board Nomination & Remuneration Committee Board Risk Management Committee
Mr. Dilip Karnik, Chairman Mr. Naved Masood, Chairman
Mr. R. K. Nair Mr. R. K. Nair
Mr. Dileep Choksi Mr. Suresh Vaswani
Ms. Vibha Paul Rishi Mr. Sandeep Batra
Mr. Sandeep Batra Mr. Solmaz Altin
Mr. Solmaz Altin Mr. Anup Bagchi
  Mr. Deepak Kinger
  Mr. Dhiren Salian
  Mr. Souvik Jash
Stakeholders Relationship Committee With Profits Committee
Mr. Dileep Choksi, Chairman Mr. R. K. Nair, Chairman
Mr. R. K. Nair Mr. Anuj Bhargava
Mr. Naved Masood Mr. Solmaz Altin
Mr. Anup Bagchi Mr. Anup Bagchi
  Mr. Heerak Basu
  Mr. Dhiren Salian
  Mr. Souvik Jash
Board Information Technology Strategy Committee
Mr. Suresh Vaswani, Chairman
Ms. Vibha Paul Rishi
Mr. Sandeep Batra
Mr. Solmaz Altin
Mr. Anup Bagchi


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