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What is an 'Electronic Welcome Kit'?

An electronic Welcome Kit/policy document is provided to you to keep you informed about the details of your policy. It includes your Policy Certificate, First Premium Receipt, Key Feature Document and Terms & Conditions of the policy. Also, digital policy kit is as good as physical policy kit & considered as valid document for placing any service related requests from your end.

  • E-Welcome kits/Policy documents are issued only for policies taken after April 2011
  • To view the E-Welcome kit/Policy document, you should have Adobe Reader version 6.0 or above (or a similar viewer) installed on your personal computer or mobile device
  • The password for the E-Welcome Kit/Policy document is a combination of the first four letters of your name and your date of birth in DDMM format. Comp/doc/Jan/2018/0781
Name & Date of Birth Password
Xyzabcd Efghij – 01.01.1978 xyza0101

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