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What is Auto Debit?
When you are busy with work or other events of life, you may forget to pay your dues on time. These late payments can often lead to fines and sometimes the service for which you are paying can also get cancelled.
One of the most convenient way to avoid such hassles is to sign up for auto debit.
You can also use this method to pay your life insurance premiums. If you miss paying your premium within the due date, the insurance provider can charge penalties. Your policy can also lapse.
Reviving a lapsed policy can be a tedious process, sometimes involving medical checkups for health conditions. Also, until the policy becomes active again, you lose your life cover. In case of an unfortunate event, your loved ones will not receive your life insurance benefits. Hence, paying your premiums on time is essential.
Auto-pay makes it easy for you to avoid late or missed premium payments. You don’t have to remember the premium due date. All you have to do is to ensure that your account has sufficient balance to cover the premium amount. Your life cover remains in force, acting as a financial safety net for your family.
How does auto debit work?
The process to register for auto debit is by submitting a duly filled application form to the company that is billing you, like your life insurance provider. You also have to give your bank advance permission, or authorisation, to:
- Collect money from your account electronically
- Transfer the sum to a specified account on a recurring basis, at specified intervals
According to your instruction, funds from your bank account or credit card will be transferred to your biller. The transfer will occur automatically on the day your payment is due. You can also schedule a payment cycle for a date other than your due date as per your resources and the conditions specified by your biller.
You will get an intimation from the company you paid to after the auto debit is complete. All payment history will remain in your account for you to view at any time you want.
There are several different ways in which you can set up an automated debit facility. These include:
- Direct debit from a bank account - In this mode, you have to provide instructions for regular debits of your premium from your bank account. To activate the service, you have to submit a mandate form to your insurance provider. The NACH or National Automated Clearing House form and a cancelled cheque are necessary for registering with the electronic clearing service (ECS). You can also choose the date for direct debit as per your preference.
- Standing instruction via credit card/debit card - You can sign up for an auto debit facility on a credit/debit card issued in your name. Enter your policy details along with card details such as card number, expiry month/year and CVV.
- Standing instruction via net banking - You set the standing instructions to debit your bank account either through your debit card or via net banking service. This facility is also paperless. You can enrol for this by entering bank account details and login internet banking to authorise the standing instruction for a mandated limit of up to ₹ 10 lakh.
- Standing instruction via UPI - You can also set the standing instructions to debit your bank account either through UPI. This facility is paperless with instant registration. You can enrol for this by entering your VPA address and authorising the mandate on the UPI app for a mandated limit of up to ₹ 2 lakh.
How can you register for auto debit in 3 simple steps with ICICI Prudential Life?
- Visit the customer login page on
- Click on auto debit, login to your account
- Select your policy/policies, choose your preferred mode of Standing instruction and click pay
Auto Debit ensures your premium is paid on time, every time. It ensures that you never miss a premium payment and your policy benefits continue, uninterrupted. It’s a paperless and hassle-free service that ensures that you don’t have to set a reminder for premium payments again.
How to set Auto Debit facility?
Auto Debit ensures your premium is paid on time, every time. It ensures that you never miss a premium payment and your policy benefits continue, uninterrupted. It’s a paperless and hassle-free service that ensures that you don’t have to set a reminder for premium payments again.
There are several different ways in which you can set up an automated debit facility. These include Auto Debit via credit card/debit card or Net Banking or UPI.
You can register for auto debit in 3 simple steps:
- Visit the ‘Customer Services’ page on
- Click on auto debit, login to your account
- Select your policy/policies, choose your preferred mode of Standing instruction and click pay
Watch the below video for any help on how to set auto debit:
Click here - Netbanking Auto Debit set-up video
Click here - Cards Auto Debit set-up video
Click here - UPI Auto Debit set-up video