Why is ICICI Pru Assured Savings Insurance Plan special?

At the end of the policy period, you will receive a lump sum pay out called Maturity Benefit, which helps you fulfil your family’s dreams.

How much money will I get at policy maturity?

At the end of the policy term, provided all due premiums have been paid, Maturity Benefit would be payable. It will be a sum of Accrued Guaranteed$ Additions# and Guaranteed$ Maturity Benefit1.

The GMB depends on several factors such as policy term, premium payment term, age and gender. Your Guaranteed$ Maturity Benefit (GMB) will be set at policy inception and will depend on age, policy term, premium, premium payment term and gender. Your GMB may be lower than your Sum Assured on death. Please read further for more details on GAs.

#Every year an amount called the Guaranteed Addition is added to the policy. Guaranteed Addition (GA) is equal to the predetermined Guaranteed Addition rate multiplied by the sum of all premiums paid till date (excluding extra mortality premiums and taxes).

$ Terms and conditions apply

Every year, 9%, 10% or 11% Guaranteed$ Additions would be added to your policy depending on your policy term.

How is the Guaranteed$ Addition (GA) calculated?

Guaranteed$ Addition (GA) is equal to a fixed Guaranteed$ Addition Rate multiplied by the sum of all premiums paid.

For example, if your annual premium is `2,000,000 (exclusive of taxes), the GA will be as below:

Policy Year Premiums Paid For The Year
(Exclusive of taxes)
Total Premiums Paid Till Date
(Exclusive of taxes)
Guaranteed$ Addition For The Year = GA Rate X Sum Of All Premiums Paid
1 2,000,000 2,000,000 9% x 2,000,000 = `180,000
2 2,000,000 4,000,000 9% x 4,000,000 = `360,000
3 2,000,000 6,000,000 9% x 6,000,000 = `540,000
4 2,000,000 8,000,000 9% x 8,000,000 = `720,000
5 2,000,000 10,000,000 9% x 10,000,000 = `900,000
6 0 10,000,000 9% x 10,000,000 = `900,000
7 0 10,000,000 9% x 10,000,000 = `900,000
8 0 10,000,000 9% x 10,000,000 = `900,000
9 0 10,000,000 9% x 10,000,000 = `900,000
10 0 10,000,000 9% x 10,000,000 = `900,000

How is the Guaranteed$ Addition (GA) Rate calculated?

The GA rate depends upon the policy term you have chosen, as shown below:

Policy Term Guaranteed$ Addition
10 years 9%
12/15 years 10%
16/20 years 11%

$ Terms and conditions apply

ICICI Pru Assured Savings Insurance Plan provides your loved ones a lump sum pay-out. This amount ensures that even in your absence your family members are able to live the life you planned for them.

How much money will my family receive in my absence?

Your family will receive a lump sum amount, which will be the higher of:

  • A fixed amount called the Sum Assured^ including Guaranteed$ Additions. Here, Sum assured is 10 times of the annualized premium.

  • Guaranteed$ Maturity Benefits (GMB)1 including Guaranteed$ Additions

  • Minimum Life Cover2 that is the higher of the following:

    - 105% of the sum of premiums paid till date#

    - 10 times the annualized base premium

    - Chosen Sum Assured^

  • #Excluding extra mortality premiums and taxes. The cost of providing a Life Cover under the policy is called Mortality Premium.
    ^Sum Assured is the fixed minimum amount guaranteed on maturity.

$ Terms and conditions apply

You have the option of choosing either Monthly, Half-Yearly or Annual mode of premium payment according to your comfort.

Tax benefits may be applicable as per prevailing tax laws. Tax laws are subject to amendments made thereto from time to time. Please consult your tax advisor for more details.

Product Snapshot

You save to fulfill the essential needs of your family such as quality education for your children, a comfortable retirement for yourself, the best lifestyle for your spouse and many more such dreams. Presenting ICICI Pru Assured Savings Insurance Plan that provides assured savings to help you protect the goals of your family.

Product at a Glance - ICICI Pru Assured Savings Insurance Plan

This plan allows you to choose the number of years for which you wish to pay premiums.

How many years do I have to pay premiums for?

You have to pay the premiums for 5 years.

How long will the policy last?

You can choose a policy term of either 10 or 15 years.

How much premium can I pay?

For policy term of 10, minimum annual premium is `2,000,000** and for policy term 15, minimum annual premium is `2,000,000**.

At what age can I start the plan? / How old should I be when the plan reaches maturity?

Policy Term 10 15
Minimum/Maximum age at entry 8/60 3/57
Minimum/Maximum age at maturity 18/72 18/72

How many years do I have to pay premium for?

You have to pay the premiums for 7 years.

How long does the policy last? 


You can choose a policy term of either 10,12 or 15 years.

How much premium can I pay?

You have to pay a minimum annual premium of `2,000,000**.

At what age can I start the plan? / How old should I be when the plan reaches maturity?

Policy Term 10 12 15
Minimum/Maximum age at entry 8/60 6/60 3/57
Minimum/Maximum age at maturity 18/72 18/72 18/72

How many years do I have to pay premium for?

You have to pay the premiums for 8 years.

How long does the policy last?

You can choose a policy term of either 16 or 20 years

How much premium can I pay?

You have to pay a minimum annual premium of `2,000,000**.

At what age can I start the plan? / How old should I be when the plan reaches maturity?

Policy Term 16 20
Minimum/Maximum age at entry 2/56 0/52
Minimum/Maximum age at maturity 18/72 18/72

How many years do I have to pay premiums for?

You have to pay the premiums for 10 years.

How long will the policy last?

You can choose a policy term of either 12,15 or 20  years.

How much premium can I pay?

For policy term of 12 ,15 & 20 minimum annual premium is `2,000,000**.

At what age can I start the plan? / How old should I be when the plan reaches maturity?

Policy Term 12 15 20
Minimum/Maximum age at entry 6/60 3/57 0/52
Minimum/Maximum age at maturity 18/72 18/72 18/72

How many years do I have to pay premiums for?

You have to pay the premiums for 12 years.

How long will the policy last?

The policy term is for  20  years.

How much premium can I pay?

For policy term of 20, minimum annual premium is `2,000,000**.

At what age can I start the plan? / How old should I be when the plan reaches maturity?

Policy Term 20
Minimum/Maximum age at entry 0/52
Minimum/Maximum age at maturity 18/72

1. What is an Assured Savings Plan?

An assured savings plan helps you achieve your financial goals by offering a guaranteed lump sum amount at maturity. The guaranteed returns protect your investment and the profits help you fulfil your long-term goals like buying property, children’s education or saving for retirement.
You have to put in a pre-determined premium amount regularly. Such systematic, long-term savings enable you to build a corpus. The plan also provides guaranteed additions on your accruing premiums, thereby increasing your wealth.
The assured savings insurance plan also provides life cover2. Thus, it keeps your loved ones secure from financial challenges in case of an eventuality.

2. What is the Maturity Benefit in Assured Savings Plans?

At the end of the policy period, you will get the maturity benefit if you have paid all due premiums. It will be the sum of the Guaranteed Maturity Benefit (GMB)1 and the accrued Guaranteed Additions (GA)^. Therefore, Maturity Benefit = GMB + accrued GA.

3. What is Death Benefit in Assured Savings Plans?

In case of an unfortunate event, your nominee receives a lump sum payout, whichever is the highest among the following:
  • 105% of all premiums paid as on the date of demise
  • Sum assured on death (ten times your annual premium) plus the accrued GA
  • GMB + GA
  • An amount that is ten times the value of your annual base premium


Assured Savings Benefit Illustrator


The above illustration is for a healthy male life assured and assumes all due premiums until maturity are paid.

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Guaranteed benefits are payable subject to all due premiums being paid and the policy being in force on the date of maturity.

1 Guaranteed Maturity Benefit (GMB) will be set at policy inception and will depend on policy term, premium, premium payment term, age and gender.

2 Life Cover is the benefit payable on death of the life assured.

^ Guaranteed Additions (GAs) rate will be 9% for policy term of 10 years, 10% for policy term of 12/15 years and 11% for policy term of 16/20 years. GAs will be added to the policy at the end of every policy year if all due premiums have been paid. Each GA will be calculated as GA rate multiplied by the total premiums paid till date (excluding extra mortality premiums, Goods & Services Tax and Cess (if any)).$ Terms and conditions apply.

**Exclusive of taxes

Assured savings is through the Guaranteed Additions and Guaranteed Maturity benefit of the product.

ICICI Pru Assured Savings Insurance Plan (UIN: )

ADVT: W/II/1315/2023-24

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